0423 419 889
      Communication Skills


      COMMUNICATION effectiveness

      Create learning develops and facilitates communication skills programs that allow staff to explore and enhance how effectively they communicate with their clients.

      Our program helps participants examine and understand different behavioural styles and develop essential communication skills to work more effectively with colleagues and their customers. Effective communication greatly increases staff satisfaction, confidence in their work and creates greater productivity.

      Create Learning is proud to introduce two programs developed specifically for the Veterinary sector

      Communicating for success

      Client centered communication skills

      Communication is one of the most important workplace skills, and yet it is probably the most neglected when it comes to workplace development. 

      The client centered communication skills program enables participants through discussion, activities and self-reflection to identify areas of strength and opportunities they can focus on developing further after the workshop is completed.  

      Learning transfer consultations and measurement tools are also available to help ensure that the skills are transferred effectively and contribute to building your business.

       This is a highly interactive and original program that is designed to enhance the client – Veterinarian relationship, building trust, improving client adherence and can result in more favourable treatment outcomes.

      Making the recommendation

      This program is specifically designed for anyone in a clinic who talks to an owner.

      The workshop addresses different techniques participants can use leading up to and including making the recommendation to owners to help ensure they gain the best outcome for their pet.

       The program is very interactive and participants will leave with new skills they can focus on improving.

      Building a culture of feedback

      Building a communication culture in your business, where everyone is comfortable about giving and receiving feedback about their performance, builds peoples’ morale and performance.

      Feedback culture starts with leadership. Leaders need to give positive feedback, deliver negative feedback in a constructive manner and importantly encourage feedback for themselves.

      This workshop helps promote accountability and buy in from participants who learn to take ownership and feel safe with feedback. Participants learn and practice the ‘give and take’ of feedback to build a communication culture that inspires a constructive culture.

      Difficult conversations

      A difficult conversation is usually avoided in the workplace because people do not know how to approach the subject and are concerned it will damage their relationship with others.

      Conducted poorly or not at all can result in employees become disengaged, resentful and affects their performance.

      This workshop allows participants to practice a simple process for building confidence in constructive conversations, which results in greater clarity in the workplace more engaged employees.

      Presentation skills

      How often have you switched off from a longwinded and content heavy presentation and thought, “this is a waste of time I will never get back”? Businesses depend on staff having highly effective presentations skills for a market edge.

      This workshop provides a framework for participants to construct and deliver an effective presentation that is concise, clear and engaging to an audience. Learning and practising the presentation delivery to create attentive audiences who want to know more rather than run out the door.

      Ready to grow success?